Our services

our service

Business & Corporate Advisory Services

The Key to Enhancing Business Performance and Successfully Growing your Business

  • Business & Corporate Advisory
  • Commercial & Marketing Development
  • Corporate Risk Management
  • Project Development & Management
  • Trade Advisory Services
  • Working Capital and Project Finance
Business & Corporate Advisory

We provide an array of Business & Corporate Advisory Services and strategic assistance, and we help companies share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they may be facing.

Our world-class talent can confidently guide you from end-to-end services, from idea conceptualization, through to strategic planning and implementation, which can help you accelerate change and deliver business outcomes through the power of collaborative engagement.

We believe that by supporting our clients' expertise with our own, through a partnership approach we are able to create winning solutions and business success, together.

Here is a list of our Business & Corporate Advisory Services:

  • Company Setup (Local, Foreign – PMA, Joint Operations)
  • Contract Administration & Management (incl. conflict & dispute resolutions)
  • Corporate Management Buy-Outs, Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Corporate Risk Management
  • Legal Opinion and Due Diligence
  • Trade Advisory

Project Development & Management

Every business faces challenges and issues that are unique to themselves and require a tailor-made approach to manage and resolve them. We focus on understanding our client’s exact needs to align ourselves with their goals and objectives.

This allows us to design bespoke remedies to help solve client’s challenges. Sometimes all a client really needs is financial aid, on other occasions, it could be strategic support, and often times a combination of both.

Our Project Development & Management Services can help to deliver solutions such as fund new projects and business expansions of various scales or develop and manage a project for the client. We have an impressive track record through the combined extensive experience of our expert team spanning decades of providing innovative advice on a wide range of project transactions.

Our global network of expertise and local knowledge enable us to deliver the integrated strategies and services our clients require.

Regardless of the support needed, we at PT Essensi Bisnis Solusi are committed to embracing the powerful force of collaborative teamwork to attain tangible results whilst keeping our client’s best interest as a priority.

Our spirited vision is to provide our clients the solutions they need to reach their goals.

Working Capital & Project Finance

We provide Consultancy Services in the areas of Corporate Finance, Trade Finance, Project Finance and Working Capital. We believe that our clients’ success is our success and to achieve that we are constantly aiming for higher standards of service on every single financing proposal. 

Our financial arranger and intermediary services, assist companies to raise the necessary capital they require to facilitate future plans and growth for the company. We have access to multiple different lenders in a range of different lending markets, enabling us to source the most competitive solutions for your business.

Not only will we strive to source the most competitive offers, but we can advise you on the best solution for your business moving forward.

The team behind PT Essensi Bisnis Solusi are highly trained multi-skilled professionals whose expertise has been developed and nurtured over the years, delivering complex projects for clients, in some of the most challenging markets and situations. The PT Essensi Bisnis Solusi team brings a unique blend of financial, operational, and managerial experience and combined with inter-cultural communication and professionalism enable us to provide sustainable solutions.

Our network of Financiers include Banks, Finance Companies, Private Investors, Fin-Techs and Partners.

Over the course of time, we have successfully arranged financing for many business and project clients and are living success stories.

our service

Training and Development Services

Our innovative methods and rigorous training process are designed to ensure that the solutions we deliver will be effective and will produce maximum results in a short turn-around time.

We Help You to Build Your Company’s Talent Capability and Competencies.

Business Performance Improvement Workshop
  • Developing Effective Teams
  • Strategic Business Planning & The 4 C’s
  • The Problem Solving Attitude
Millennial Sales Master Workshop “Enhance Your Sales Capability in the Digital Era”
  • Strategic Sales Action and Building a Growth Engine
  • Brand vs Image
  • Consultative Salesperson
Team Leadership Workshop “Managing and Developing Effective Teams… Boss vs Leader”
  • Quality and SMART Leadership
  • Working with Subordinates & Delegating Work Tasks
  • Problem Solving Attitude
Strategic Account Management Workshop “Improve your Customer Service and Negotiate to Grow”
  • Strategic Account Management
  • Creating a Better Service Culture
  • Building Up Your Business
our service

Our Rigorous Training Is Proven To Help You Achieve The Maximum Positive Results

Our Training

Get the Sales Training You Need to Achieve Top Line Revenue Targets

Our Marketing & Sales Training Programs have been proven to help companies improve their sales activity management, processes and conversions, resulting in exponential growth in Top Line.

Sales 1 on 1
Sales Approach & Mindset
Business Survival
Will the Strong Survive or will the Smart Survive
Executive Leadership Program
Become a New Generation Leader and Enhance Your Business Growth & Profitability
CEO & Executive Managers
International One Day MBA Workshop
Credit Risk Management Workshop
Commercial Aggressiveness vs Financial Prudency
Financial Planning
Jadi Karyawan Tapi Kaya

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